CSBD Autism Services

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CSBD Autism Services offers a variety of supports and services for children and youth under the age of 18. For more than 20 years, CSBD has been offering services and supports for children and youth with autism, and their families.

We offer a range of both funded and fee-for-service programs for families to help them meet their goals.  Foundational Family Services offers families and caregivers a range of workshops, parent education opportunities, and advocacy support, and can help guide you through transitions. Our team is knowledgeable, skilled, and are able to help you navigate which options would work best for you.  
CSBD Autism Services offers Core Clinical Services using Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) to support your child’s individual learning needs and style. Core Clinical Services can be purchased with OAP (Ontario Autism Program) funding, out-of-pocket, or other sources, such as private insurance.  
Our team will work with you to build a plan for you and your child, which may focus on a range of needs and skill areas, including communication, social interaction, play skills, independence skills, or decreasing challenging behaviours. 
Foundational Family Services are available free of charge to all families registered in the Ontario Autism Program. Parents and caregivers can sign up and participate in workshops with other parents and caregivers. You may schedule a 1:1 follow-up session to refine the application of skills learned in the workshop.
Foundational Family Services strives to give you the tools to work with your child/youth and participate in their ongoing learning and development.  These may include;
  1. Family and peer mentoring – share experiences in a supportive, informative and social atmosphere
  2. Caregiver workshops and follow-up coaching sessions – information, education and resources on a variety of topics
  3. Brief targeted consultations – direct support to help address a specific need and support your child’s skill development
  4. Transition supports – help prepare for your child’s personal and educational transitions, as well as transitions to adulthood
  5. Family resource and clinic days – brainstorm, consult and problem-solve with professionals

CSBD provides the Behavioural Services component of URS for clients in Hastings, Prince Edward.

URS is a time limited rapid service response for children and youth with autism. The service is intended to address a specific behaviour need, with a focus on preventing further escalation of risk of harm to self, others, and/or property.

How to Refer:

Please fill out our online referral form. You may also connect with our URS Coordinators at 613-544-3400 x 3565 or Toll Free: 1-855-544-3400 ext. 3565
Families can self-refer or can be referred by a clinician, care coordinator or other relevant professional by contacting the Lead Agency, KidsInclusive in Kingston. Upon referral the family will be screened to determine if they are eligible for the URS. If they are eligible, a URS Coordinator will work with the family to develop the intervention plan. The URS service is free for the family.

For more information:


Other Links and Resources

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Information for Everyone

Parent Education – Module 1 -Reinforcement and pairing

Module 1: Reinforcement and Pairing – This module will focus on the use of positive reinforcement to increase behaviours.  We will also discuss using positive reinforcement to establish people, places, and objects as positive and motivating.

Download Workshop

    Fill out the form below to download the Parent Education - Module 1 - Reinforcement and pairing Workshop

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    You will receive an email from us shortly with access to the presentation for your download.

    To ensure you receive the email in your inbox, please add our email address, noreply@csbd.on.ca, to your address book or contacts.

    If you do not receive this workshop in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder.

    Parent Education – Module 2 – Understanding behaviour

    Module 2: Functions of Behaviour & Data Collection –This module focuses on defining behaviour, data collection, and why challenging behaviours happen.  We will discuss events that precede and follow behaviour, and funciton specific strategies.

    Download Workshop

      Fill out the form below to download the Parent Education - Module 2 - Understanding behaviours Workshop

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      You will receive an email from us shortly with access to the presentation for your download.

      To ensure you receive the email in your inbox, please add our email address, noreply@csbd.on.ca, to your address book or contacts.

      If you do not receive this workshop in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder.

      Parent Education – Module 3 -Teaching new skills and increasing behaviour

      Module 3: Teaching New Skills & Increasing Behaviour – This module focuses various teaching procedures to teach skills and increase behaviours by breaking large tasks into teachable pieces.

      Download Workshop

        Fill out the form below to download the Parent Education - Module 3 - Teaching new skills and increasing behaviours Workshop

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        You will receive an email from us shortly with access to the presentation for your download.

        To ensure you receive the email in your inbox, please add our email address, noreply@csbd.on.ca, to your address book or contacts.

        If you do not receive this workshop in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder.

        Parent Education – Module 4 – Putting it all together

        Module 4: Bringing It All Together – This module encourages participants to bring together all concepts learned in previous modules and apply theory to practice.

        Download Workshop

          Fill out the form below to download the Parent Education - Module 4 - Putting it all together Workshop

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          You will receive an email from us shortly with access to the presentation for your download.

          To ensure you receive the email in your inbox, please add our email address, noreply@csbd.on.ca, to your address book or contacts.

          If you do not receive this workshop in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder.

          Functions of Behaviour – Part 1

          This workshop is for parents, caregivers, and families of a child with ASD and covers many different topics related to the functions of behaviour.

          Download Workshop

            Fill out the form below to download the Functions of Behaviour-Part 1

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            You will receive an email from us shortly with access to the presentation for your download.

            To ensure you receive the email in your inbox, please add our email address, noreply@csbd.on.ca, to your address book or contacts.

            If you do not receive this workshop in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder.

            Functions of Behaviour – Part 2

            This workshop is for parents, caregivers, and families of a child with ASD and covers many different topics related to the functions of behaviour.

            Download Workshop

              Fill out the form below to download the Functions of Behaviour-Part 2

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              You will receive an email from us shortly with access to the presentation for your download.

              To ensure you receive the email in your inbox, please add our email address, noreply@csbd.on.ca, to your address book or contacts.

              If you do not receive this workshop in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder.

              Skill Specific Workshops

              Wearing a Mask Workshop

              This workshop will provide parents and caregivers with tips and strategies to help their child successfully wear a mask or face covering.

              Download Workshop

                Fill out the form below to download the Wearing a Mask Workshop

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                You will receive an email from us shortly with access to the presentation for your download.

                To ensure you receive the email in your inbox, please add our email address, noreply@csbd.on.ca, to your address book or contacts.

                If you do not receive this workshop in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder.

                Picky Eating Workshop

                This workshop will increase parent awareness of how to identify their child’s skill set, what readiness means, reinforcement systems and setting themselves up to succeed with their goals.

                Download Workshop

                  Fill out the form below to download the Picky Eating Workshop

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                  You will receive an email from us shortly with access to the presentation for your download.

                  To ensure you receive the email in your inbox, please add our email address, noreply@csbd.on.ca, to your address book or contacts.

                  If you do not receive this workshop in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder.

                  Homeschooling and Creating a Structured Day Workshop

                  This workshop will review key components of creating a structured routine and behavioural strategies that will set your child up for success for learning at home.

                  Download Workshop

                    Fill out the form below to download the Homeschooling and Creating a Structured Day Workshop

                    I confirm I am registered in the OAP

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                    You will receive an email from us shortly with access to the presentation for your download.

                    To ensure you receive the email in your inbox, please add our email address, noreply@csbd.on.ca, to your address book or contacts.

                    If you do not receive this workshop in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder.

                    Hidden Curriculum Workshop

                    This workshop will explore examples of The Hidden Curriculum, and discuss skills and rules that are widely assumed to be known but are rarely directly taught.

                    Download Workshop

                      Fill out the form below to download the Hidden Curriculum Workshop

                      I confirm I am registered in the OAP

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                      You will receive an email from us shortly with access to the presentation for your download.

                      To ensure you receive the email in your inbox, please add our email address, noreply@csbd.on.ca, to your address book or contacts.

                      If you do not receive this workshop in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder.

                      Toilet Training Workshop

                      This workshop is for families of a child with ASD who may be considering toileting readiness and want to know where to start. 

                      Download Workshop

                        Fill out the form below to download the Toilet Training Workshop

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                        You will receive an email from us shortly with access to the presentation for your download.

                        To ensure you receive the email in your inbox, please add our email address, noreply@csbd.on.ca, to your address book or contacts.

                        If you do not receive this workshop in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder.

                        Social and Play Skills Workshop

                        This workshop is for families of individuals with ASD who may benefit from increased social awareness and development of social skills to create more positive peer interactions.

                        Download Workshop

                          Fill out the form below to download the Social and Play Skills Workshop

                          I confirm I am registered in the OAP

                          Thank you for your interest in this workshop!

                          You will receive an email from us shortly with access to the presentation for your download.

                          To ensure you receive the email in your inbox, please add our email address, noreply@csbd.on.ca, to your address book or contacts.

                          If you do not receive this workshop in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder.

                          Community Resources Workshop

                          This workshop is for families who have a child with ASD wishing to learn more about the services and resources in Hastings and Prince Edward County and surrounding area.

                          Download Workshop

                            Fill out the form below to download the Community Resources Workshop

                            I confirm I am registered in the OAP

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                            You will receive an email from us shortly with access to the presentation for your download.

                            To ensure you receive the email in your inbox, please add our email address, noreply@csbd.on.ca, to your address book or contacts.

                            If you do not receive this workshop in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder.

                            Introduction to ASD

                            This workshop is for families who wish to increase their understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

                            Download Workshop

                              Fill out the form below to download the Workshop:
                              Introduction to ASD

                              I confirm I am registered in the OAP

                              Thank you for your interest in this workshop!

                              You will receive an email from us shortly with access to the presentation for your download.

                              To ensure you receive the email in your inbox, please add our email address, noreply@csbd.on.ca, to your address book or contacts.

                              If you do not receive this workshop in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder.

                              Parent and Caregiver Workshop: Anxiety in Children & Youth with ASD

                              Learn strategies concerning anxiety in children and youth with ASD
                              Download Workshop

                                Fill out the form below to download the Parent and Caregiver Workshop:
                                Anxiety in Children & Youth with ASD

                                I confirm I am registered in the OAP

                                Thank you for your interest in this workshop!

                                You will receive an email from us shortly with access to the presentation for your download.

                                To ensure you receive the email in your inbox, please add our email address, noreply@csbd.on.ca, to your address book or contacts.

                                If you do not receive this workshop in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder.